The 240ppi parameter is going to be ignored because it is a legacy field used only be some very old printers and never applies to screen output. Everything else will take care of itself. Once you have prepared your image for export, there is only one resize parameter you need to set on the Export dialog in the "Image Sizing" section.
If you don't want to trim away 18% of your long or your short edge, you will need to accept that your uncropped image is not going to fill up the HDTV 1080P monitor. If you want your images to completely fill the 1920X1080 pixels of the Monitor, you are going to need to trim off anything that is outside of the 16X9 crop window.

DLNA compliant)? Will it read photos off of a USB stick/camera or SD card reader? What Make and Model Monitor to you have for showing these slides? Do you have any other devices for sending a video signal to the Monitor like an AppleTV, GoogleTV or a DVD/BluRay player? What method do you use to send video photo images to your HDTV monitor? Is it smart enough to read directly from the internet (i.e. What kind of output file is FotoMagico producing? And you may not even need FotoMagico to do it. I can't help you with FotoMagico settings, But I can help you send a final size JPEG from LR that will exactly fill up your HDTV screen. Note two things: First there are 300 "black" pixels left over on the 1920 pixel side of the monitor and second, you have caused pixel interpolation in two places. If this image is sent to your HDTV (without FotoMagico interference) the Monitor will further resize the image so that the short side (1333 pixels) fits into 1080 pixels and the long side will be resized to 1620 pixels. If all of your images are viewed in Landscape (the 3 side of the 3:2 aspect ratio being horizontal), then the image will be translated from the current long side pixels to 2000 pixels and the short side (of a 3:2 image) will be converted to 1333 pixels. First the 2000X2000 pixel resize is only going to work effectively on a square image (aspect ratio 1:1). Your Export settings in LR aren't useful. I don't know what FotoMagico does internally to produce a slideshow, but I imagine that you could through FotoMagico settings force the output dimensions even further and produce an finale projected image that is less than 1920X1080 pixels and have balck borders on all 4 sides. These two facts need to be considered by LR and FotoMagico. the remainder of the "16" dimension will be fill in with black pixels. If you try to fit an image with an aspect ratio of 3:2 onto a scree that has an aspect ratio of 16:9, the image will fill up the "9" dimension and only part of the "16" dimension. Your camera typically shoots with a sensor that has an aspect ratio of 3:2. Do you understand Aspect ratios? 1080p (HDTV) has an aspect ratio of 16:9 and commonly a screen size in pixels of 1920X1080.